The eScooter Helmet Buyer’s Guide

In this section, we cover what you should look for before you buy a helmet for your e-scooter. Although it might not feel like you always need to wear a helmet when off-road or in parks – the helmet isn’t just about the law in your region… it’s about not getting a terrible brain injury.

So, let’s choose a good one.

Helmet Choices for eScooters

There are lots of helmet styles to choose from. Be it size or shape, they are varied and mixed so that the world of escooter helmets really does have something for everyone.

However, the way you choose your helmet should be about more than just your favorite color or your sense of style – it’s about safety. What do you look out for? Rigorous testing, confirmation to local standards, certification where possible, and that fits you perfectly. When your helmet doesn’t fit (and when you don’t secure your chin strap) it is rendered next to useless.

Something else to keep in mind is that there aren’t any specific escooter helmet brands out there yet… though it is only a matter of time. At the moment, you can invest in a cycle helmet or a skateboard/roller skating helmet to protect you. The important part is that you don’t skip this step and that your helmet fits.

What do we mean by Helmet Certification?

Depending on where in the world you live, your government or regulatory body will have its own signature way of certifying products. This means that your product has gone through all reasonably safety standards checks and have passed.

In the US you are looking for the ATSM F1952-15, the Snell B-90A, The Snell B-95, of the US CPSC Bicycle helmet standard of safety certification. If you are buying an E-helmet that works in conjunction with your e-devices, look for a NEN NTA 8776 stamp.

In the UK  and Ireland you are following the same rules as the EU, although this may change in the near future given the current political climate. The BS EN 1078 is the safety certificate or approval stamp that you should look for in helmets from this region.

Never Wear A Second-Hand Helmet!

This is equally as important as wearing a helmet that fits you properly. The idea of a crash helmet is that it can take so many hits before the structure and integrity is weakened by them. When it hits its number, that’s it. If you then pass that helmet on to someone else because you’ve never had a serious accident with it – and they come off their escooter at speed, the helmet could fail.

Let’s not forget that helmets don’t soak up all the impact from a fall. Their ability to soak impact is related to how much their structure has degraded over time. Don’t wear a second-hand helmet, and make sure you take it easy on the escooter. They won’t stop all the head injury damage and you are better safe than sorry.

What Is EScooter Helmets Made From?

It really depends on what one you buy, but modern helmets tend to be made from an expanded polystyrene mix of plastics (or EPS) foam. This foam layer is covered with plastic that is tough enough to soak up the damage – but will split under too much pressure. Better the helmet than our skulls, we say.

If you buy an urban or a commuter helmet for your electronic scooter, you are likely to find one that is fairly circular and that doesn’t have any openings it doesn’t need. The more secure a helmet is, the less vents it has… at least in this case.

you might also find that your helmet uses fiberglass or even carbon fiber in the outer sheath. Both are totally normal and 100% safe. There really isn’t much difference except perhaps in style.

MIPS Helmets

In order to account for this small gap between impact and damage that the helmet won’t soak should you come off your escooter, MIPS were created. This stands for the Multi-directional Impact Protection System.

The MIPS helmet works like two globes aligned, one inside the other. The space between them is fluid-like, with the two parts able to move around against each other, thereby lessening impact by mimicking the brains own functioning… or something like that.

Can I use a Motorbike Helmet with my EScooter?

Yes, you can, although they can be cumbersome. If you are going off-road and intend some tricks with it, the answer is a firm yes.

A motorbike, or even an Ebike, helmet is heavier, but that means you have better protection. They can be hard to see out of if the visors get fogged or dirty on your off-road adventures, and they can be a little suffocating.

Motorcycle helmets and ebike protection all come either open faced or closed face. You might come across this term often in relation to your choice in helmet. It simply refers to how much of the helmet covers your face.

Open-Faced or Closed-Face

A closed face helmet is one with a visor which closes over your face completely. Motorcyclists often favor these as they are considered safest. If you are riding at speeds higher than 20 mph, we would suggest you choose a closed face helmet. These are also good for city travel because they protect you from some of the pollution and simultaneously act as a mask.

Some people don’t like the closed face helmets because they feel suffocating. You will need to remove them when you go inside a bank or into an official building. However, they do protect your face from the wind and rain.

Open faced helmets are those that cover your head, or that cover your head and your sideburns as in the retro Vespa helmets. These are considered to be safe enough for bikes and skateboards, and therefore escooter, too. If you are riding at less than 20 mph, or if you are buying an electric scooter for children, then an open-faced helmet is fine.

If you live in a windy climate, open faced helmets might leave your cheeks and lips chapped with cold. They don’t offer quite as much protection as the full-face helmets, but they are less suffocating in warm weather.

As you can see, both types of urban and commuter helmets have both pros and cons.

But Closed Face Helmets are Too Hot!

The problem with closed face helmets is that they tend to be warm. Cycle helmets will have even less air vents in them. You have to choose which of the two evils you are prepared to live with and be done with it. You could also do a happy medium by buying a closed face helmet with a visor you can open if you need to.

What About Mountain Bike Helmets?

Are mountain bike helmets suitable for Escooter use? Of course. They are especially good for off-roading, since they offer a little more protection than those urban ones do. They have a greater number of ventilation windows, are lighter than anything urban or commute friendly, and are made of the same materials.

Mountain bike helmets have greater impact absorption (in case you fall off a mountain) and might have those metal bars across the face. They might also come with a visor over the eyes, side panels to protect your ears, and even a little shade to keep the sun out your eyes.

Rounding Up the eScooter Guide

You should now be armed with enough knowledge to successfully ride your new escooter. Better yet, you are also able to select the best helmet for you, in order to perform all the off-roading, you like in a safe, secure way.

Don’t forget not to let young children on escooters out of your sight. Remember never to ride without your helmet. Keep all of our other tips in mind and we are certain you will have a super-awesome-escooter-experience.